The Southern Lights Pilot Farm

Success Story

Since 1985, the farm has been implementing advanced organic farming, applying practices such as green fertilisation, fragmentation of branches and introduction into the soil, and increasing biodiversity. The next generation of the family-owned farm decided to go a step further, when they noticed that in their farm the forest started to grow while in the surrounding mountains the forest did not return 11 years after the wildfires that had destroyed it. Sheila, the daughter of the original farmer who had decided to apply advanced organic farming since 1985, together with other family members, started researching into the concept of regenerative agriculture and the agroforestry principles and methods, receiving training abroad, and started to implement RA methods on the farm systematically 7 years ago. Today she is sharing the benefits of the transition to RA, ranging from working on a farm with increased biodiversity and the therapeutic effects this has, the financial security that comes from an increased farm resilience, and the new commercial opportunities available in other sectors (e.g. tourism), to the personal satisfaction for contributing to the fight against climate change and the sense of belonging to a wider network of like-minded persons. Southern Lights participates as a partner in an important project to promote Regenerative Agriculture in Greece. The project was launched in 2021 in order to bring Regenerative Agriculture to Greece and has created 6 pilot farms in different areas of Greece and with different crops, while offering through its website important information and educational material for Regenerative Agriculture.

Labels: Greece, organic, vegetables/fruits, agroforestry, biodiversity



Location of farm

Greece, Region of Peloponnese, Skala Laconias

Name of the farmer

Sheila Darmos

Size of farm

1.4 ha

Permanent staff


Main products of farm

Blackberries, Goji berries, Oranges, Lemons, Lime, Tangerines, Peaches,  Plums, Loquats, Olives, Figs, Pears, Apples


Farmland cultivated with RA practices

1.4 ha

Crops produced with RA practices


Duration of using RA practices

Since 2015

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The REGINA project (No. 2021-1-HU01-KA220-HED-000027629) was funded by the European Commission. The content of this website does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.

Call 2021, KA220 – Cooperation Partnerships in Higher Education

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