National Workshop Greece

National Workshop Greece: 23rd July 2024

The National Workshop in Greece was organised in the framework of the REGINA project, with a dual purpose: one the one hand to disseminate the project results (Transnational Survey results and Library of Good Practices in Regenerative Agriculture, REGINA Learning Methodology and Learning Modules, Learning material adapted to adult education, REGINA Platform), and on the other hand to pilot-test the adapted material for adult education with the on-site and online workshop participants. The Workshop design, combining dissemination and learning activities, also aimed at raising awareness on Regenerative Agriculture, stimulate discussion and exchange of experience among the participants, and encourage the participants to offer proposals for the future development of Regenerative Agriculture in Greece.

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The Workshop objectives were:

  1. To disseminate the project results and raise awareness in the field of Regenerative Agriculture
  2. To promote the use of the educational tools and resources developed in the project (REGINA Learning Methodology, Learning Modules, Adapted learning content for adult education, REGINA Platform) among the target groups
  3. To pilot-test the adapted educational content for adult education with members of the target groups (farmers, agronomists, researchers, trainers in adult education, higher education students in agronomy and related fields, etc.) and receive feedback
  4. To stimulate the exchange of experiences and engage the participants in a dialogue on the future promotion of Regenerative Agriculture in Greece.
  5. To provide opportunities for networking among participants from diverse backgrounds

The Workshop audience included a diverse range of participants’ profiles, in line with the desired target groups. Participants included farmers, agronomists, researchers in the field of sustainable farming, trainers in adult education, higher education students in agronomy and related fields, and consumers interested in sustainable farming methods.

The participants were reached through mobilising the networks of Euracademy Association and the Open Farm Network throughout Greece, through an invitation posted at the website of the Open Farm Network ( ) and targeted email invitations. The participants in the project activities in Greece, mainly the participants in the interviews and surveys of the transnational research on Regenerative Agriculture, were also mobilised.

The REGINA educational tools and resources address a wide range of backgrounds, including teachers and students in related subjects in higher education and secondary education, producers, professionals (agronomists), as well as consumers interested in learning about regenerative agriculture. Designing and implementing the Workshop as a hybrid event (with on-site and online participants) facilitated the participation of a wide range of participants profiles from across the country and abroad, enhancing the effectiveness of the dissemination and learning activities.

Additionally, combining the dissemination aspect of the Workshop (i.e. disseminating the project and its main results) with the pilot-testing of the adult education methodology and learning material, added to Workshop attractiveness and offered to the participants a valuable insight and experience in applying the REGINA learning resources.

The objective of the Workshop was to introduce the concept of Regenerative Agriculture to a wide audience including a variety of backgrounds and expertise, raise awareness and stimulate the participants’ interest for more information, and also go deeper on implementing regenerative practices with practical suggestions. The questions and engaging discussions that followed the presentations, with the active engagement of both on-site and online participants sharing their own experiences and discussing the benefits of RA and local limitations, points to the success of the event.

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The REGINA project (No. 2021-1-HU01-KA220-HED-000027629) was funded by the European Commission. The content of this website does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.

Call 2021, KA220 – Cooperation Partnerships in Higher Education

The European Commission’s support for the production of the publications does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.