Organic Farm EF ZIN
Success Story
Spyros’ incentive to start his research into sustainable farming methods came through his studies as an Agronomist. This research journey led to the biodynamic movement in agriculture and to regenerative agriculture. Today he applies the biodynamic principles together with his wife in his farm in northern Attica, producing organic vegetables, and is active in teaching others and sharing his knowhow and experience.
Labels: Greece, organic, biodynamic agriculture
Location of farm |
Greece, Region of Attica |
Name of the farmer |
Spyros Tsagaratos |
Size of farm |
2.3 ha |
Permanent staff |
2 |
Main products of farm |
Seasonal vegetables and fruit trees |
Farmland cultivated with RA practices |
All |
Crops produced with RA practices |
All the farm products |
Duration of using RA practices |
Since 2019 |
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The REGINA project (No. 2021-1-HU01-KA220-HED-000027629) was funded by the European Commission. The content of this website does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.
Call 2021, KA220 – Cooperation Partnerships in Higher Education
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