Dunasziget Vegetable Producing Community

Success Story

Field size (ha): 3 ha of which 6000m2 is horticulture, 600m2 is greenhouse, the remaining area is meadow and pasture. The farm grows 50 species of vegetables and 25 to 30 species of fruit. Seasonality is a high priority, as it guarantees that fresh seasonal vegetables get into the baskets of the community members.

Medicinal and aromatic herbs, a stretch of forest - oak, ash, elm gallery forest, acacia, willow, poplar, hornbeam, cover crops and multifunctional field margins.

The 8-course rotation is used for vegetable production. The practices applied in crop protection are: crop combinations, resistant species, sulphur fungicides, row covers (net or veil) against potato beetles. Products containing humic acid (authorised in organic farming). Post-harvest mulching is used to promote the decay of crop residues. Shallow cultivation is used, with minimum soil disturbance. The greenhouse is not heated and cold-tolerant leafy vegetables are grown there over winter time, primarily in small greenhouse polytunnels. Seedlings are also grown mainly in the greenhouse. No ploughing has been practised for many years, and shallow cultivation is done with cultivator. In addition, surface composting (cold composting) and small amounts of available manure are the basis for nutrient replenishment.

LABELS: Hungary, vegetables/fruits, biodiversity



Location of farm

Hungary, Dunasziget

Name of the farmer

Ifj. Czina Ferenc

Size of farm

3 ha (6000 m2 horticulture,600 m2 polytunnel, the rest is meadow)

Permanent staff


Main products of farm

50 vegetable species and 25-30 fruit species (seasonal)
Livestock: cattle, sheep, poultry


Farmland cultivated with RA practices


Crops produced with RA practices

All of them

Duration of using RA practices

Since 2013

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