COB Farm

Success Story

The COB team implements projects on a range of fields, with a common aim: to explore and generate solutions for reducing our footprint on the environment. Their fields of activity include building with natural materials, farming through techniques of permaculture and RA, educating, networking and informing. The COB farm entered the Regenerative Farming Greece project and received support from experts in terms of the farm design and farming techniques towards the transition to RA.

Labels: Greece, vegetables/fruits, activated carbon, green fertilisation




Location of farm

Greece, Region of Thessaly, Nessonas Larissa

Name of the farmer

Christos Kontomanos

Size of farm

1.6 ha

Permanent staff


Main products of farm

Almonds mainly, Vegetables, Pickles, Fresh Apricots, Figs, Arbutus, Apples, Pomegranates, Cherries, Jams and dried fruits, Timber, Hazelnuts, Pecan nuts, Walnuts, Feijoas, Elderberries, Chickens for egg production. Muesli to be produced in the future.


Farmland cultivated with RA practices

1.2 ha

Crops produced with RA practices

All crops

Duration of using RA practices

Since 2019

Read more information in pdf...

Farm presentation video



The REGINA project (No. 2021-1-HU01-KA220-HED-000027629) was funded by the European Commission. The content of this website does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.

Call 2021, KA220 – Cooperation Partnerships in Higher Education

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